Safety is our number one priority when it comes to you! We strongly suggest that you do not consume until your positive of the kind of mushroom you have foraged. This is a life or death matter so treat it that way. If your not sure what type of mushroom you have harvested? Email us, we will get back to you within 24 hours. Don’t eat till you know its a treat!
WARNING RISKS OF FORAGING: Getting lost, medical injury, fatigue, hypothermia, dehydration, heat exhaustion ,Injuries from slips or falls, Injuries caused by animals or insects.
Elm oyster is a large mushroom. It usually occurs in a small cluster of three or more. It is found from August to December growing from a branch scar or other wound high in a living hardwood tree.
Boletus edulis, known as the Cep, Porcino or Penny-bun Bolete, is a most sought-after edible bolete. It is frequently found at the edges of clearings in broad-leaved and coniferous forests.