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Lovecraft comic book spotlight: Graphic Classics #4

Graphic Classics is a series of graphic novels that brings classic literature to life through stunning illustrations and engaging storytelling. Each volume focuses on the works of a renowned author or a specific literary theme. In this post, we will explore the volume dedicated to H.P. Lovecraft.

By Bob Bradshaw • Nov. 12, 2024

skull comics 4

Graphic Classics #4 (First Edition) was published by Eureka Productions in February of 2007. It is 144 pages and edited by Tom Pomplun. This edition is dedicated to “Lovecraftian supreme” illustrator Tom Sutton (1937-2002). The cover illustration is by Todd Schorr.

Illustrating H.P. Lovecraft

The volume opens with an essay about illustrating H.P. Lovecraft written and drawn by underground comix legend Gahan Wilson. Later in the issue is a portfolio of illustrations by Tom Sutton based on the story “The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath” with excerpts. Peppered throughout the book are illustrations by Jeff Remmer, Saverio Tenuta, Jim Nelson, Paul Carrick, Allen Koszowski, and Giorgio Comolo.

Lovecraft adaptations

The first adaptation is “Herbert West: Reanimator,” originally a serialized story in five parts. Each part of this adaptation is drawn by a different artist including Richard Corben, Rick Geary, J.B. Bonivert, Mark A. Nelson, and R.K. Slone. “The Outsider” is illustrated by Devon Deveraux and “The Shadow Out of Time” was adapted and drawn by Matt Howarth. Next is the poem “Where Once Walked Poe” illustrated by Diedre Luzwick followed by “The Terrible Old Man” and “The Cats of Ulthar” illustrated by Onsmith Jeremi and Lisa K. Weber, respectively.

Fungi From Yuggoth and Miscellaneous

Next up is the sonnet cycle “The Fungi from Yuggoth.” Seventeen of the original thirty-six sonnets are visually adapted here by Stephen Hickman, John Coulthart, Maxon Crumb, Kellie Strøm, Allen Koszowski, S. Clay Wilson, Skot Olsen, Jeffrey Johannes, Steven Cerio, Gerry Alanġuilan, Peter Von Sholly, Arnold Arre, Andy Ewan, Rafael Avila, Jeff Remmer, Trina Robbins, and R.K. Sloane. Also included is a brief biography of H.P.L. by George Kuchar and original stories from Dominique Siġnoret and Chris Pelletiere.

Unfortunately, it looks like Eureka Publications is no more, but you can see the full run of Graphic Classics here.

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