Geometric Designs: Sacred Geometry and It's Benefits
Written by: Katherin Joyette|November 4, 2020|8 min read
When I say, sacred geometry, you might not be familiar with the term, though its been around since early Greece and was believed to be revered by people like ancient philosopher Plato. In design, there are rules to your proportions, like the law of thirds and and the Fibonacci sequence, so working with the proportions of life as the foundation of your design attracts holistic healing in your structural and graphic plans. In sacred geometry, there are certain shapes and patterns that symbolize creation. These creation shapes and patterns "amplify our connection to Spirit, maximizes our potential, and heightens our everyday threshold of harmony and bliss."

I find it amazing that just contemplating certain patterns or shapes can help one's mind, body and spirit. So why not use this knowledge to further develop your design aspirations? The Fibonacci sequence is one of these sacred geometric patterns found in nature that "simply (put), are nature’s numbering system and they give rise to the mystical Phi, what is referred to as the “golden section” or “golden ratio.” This spiral pattern, found in shells and flowers among other things, is the most predominant shape in the world and whether or not we know it, people are genetically programmed to acknowledge these sacred numbers, ratios, shapes and patterns.
Key sacred geometry shapes are found in nature and some even represent cells growing in the womb (beginning of life). The tree of life and the seed of life are two prime instances of patterns that stand for the creation of life. The tree being an example of the divine, an actual depiction of God. While the seed sits in the tree, it symbolizes the beginnings of human life as the cells in the womb form these actual shapes and patterns. Using these patterns in your interior designs and your architectural designs will illuminate your space and your client wont even know why. The unconscious benefits that humans receive when seeing and being in environments using sacred geometry is quite amazing.