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## Nonexistent Street / Township, Not America / 00000

9AM—7PM weekdays / 10AM—7PM Saturday / CLOSED Sunday


Current Sales

novel collection

Novel Collection

So what if it’s not a series? Buy in bulk for a bookworm discount. Imagination can fill in the blanks.

A few years ago, a man in a funny hat dropped off a pile of “banned” books. On further inspection none of them are readable, unless you happen to be familiar with ambiguous runic code. However, they are lavishly illustrated with subjects such as a cauldron ritual, blood sacrifice, and reawakening the dead.

Some find these illustrations “garish” and “off-putting.” We feel it’d make the perfect holiday gift for the overactive imagination!

reginald the snake

Reginald the Snake

He has a beautiful smile and will never shed. A proud addition to any living room.

Reginald, a stuffed snake of indeterminate species, has been a staple of the Shop for decades. What people don’t seem to realize is that there’s a price tag on his tail.

Everyone loves Reginald. Our regular patrons find him charming. The swing-by youth poke him around a bit, to see if he’s real. (He is.) That one woman who never seems to run out of relics from her great-grandmother’s attic finds him repulsing, but we don’t like that woman anyway.

Be a friend. Take Reginald home today.

unmarked map

Unmarked Map

Forget geocaching, re-explore the good old days with a map straight from grandpa’s backyard.

We really did find this in a grandfather’s backyard, among other* finds from the family dog. (*Includes but not limited to a dinosaur tooth, a chipped lamp, and the tip of a sword; all have since been sold.) But his exploring days are over, and he’d love to see someone else figure this out.

While the photo suggests the map is fully marked because someone folded it wrong and didn’t notice the error until much later into processing, the backside is entirely devoid of labels. It appears to be a parallel world to our own, as if someone traced the continents blind and shaded in the ocean as land. A small “X” around the reverse Bermuda Triangle may be of interest.

Disclaimer: Oxfam Shop assumes no liability for any of the following: damage that may happen to your persons by attempting to follow this map, inhuman explorers from uncharted otherworlds asking permission to borrow this map, ancient prophecies scrawled across the map in invisible ink, or otherwise fantastical consequences of owning this object. Use with discretion.
