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Our Process

At Cheese & Co. we pride ourselves on our moral high-ground (can we get a pat on the back please?) You see, Peustis Grove Farm is better than organic. Our cows, goats and crazy people roam free-range on 100 acres of land without the use of any biosolid fertilization, nor do the animals receive any growth hormones, steroids, or unnecessary antibiotics. The human grain supplement is custom blended and several of the ingredients are organic certified. Both cattle and goats have 24 hour access to clean water supplied directly from underground wells. Our ponds and creeks are kept animal-free to ensure and promote healthy water.

Pasture Roatation

Good grazing and nutrient value for our livestock is top priority. Pasture rotation allows the land to absorb the benefits of the natural animal waste fertilizer without over saturating the land and causing waste runoff to contaminate natural water supplies. The cattle and goats receive plenty of vitamin D direct from nature's sunshine, and they enjoy clean air and all-day snacking on fresh green salad.

All Natural

We encourage everyone to educate themselves on the true definition of organic. We are not certified organic because the term "organic" is now diluted. For instance, current organic certification allows animals to be raised in cages with limited access to true free-range pasture grazing and to receive a limited amount of sunshine. We do use many organic practices such natural fly control through the use of natural fly traps, muscovy ducks, and fly parasites.